Environment and Climate Change: Our time is NOT inexhaustible


Environment and Climate Change: Our time is NOT inexhaustible

08 January 2020

It is a bit of a truism to state that we have but only one planet to live in. And yet, it seems strange that we have become almost indifferent in our treatment of the environment.

Today, it is imperative that the environment be a primary concern for all of us—not an afterthought. But, this does not seem to be happening. It is easy to blame the authorities, but like that wise old man once said, be the change you wish to see. The power to make a change (for the better) lies with us, and it is time we take responsibility for our actions. It is sad that despite this being the age of information, there is such little awareness about the state of the environment among most of us. But, that can, and must, change!

This new year, let us take a pledge to learn about the issues plaguing the earth. Let us pick up a book and educate ourselves. Here, we bring to you five wonderful books on the environment.


Survive or Sink By Naina Lal Kidwai

Survive or Sink is a wake-up call in these environmentally troubled times, in tackling issues that threaten India and the planet. The book underscores the role that citizens, industry, civil society, media and the government need to play in collaboration with each other to address poor sanitation, water and pollution, thus improving human well-being, health, and thereby also reducing the impact of climate change.

Backed by examples, Survive or Sink presents a holistic approach to the many challenges and opportunities regarding sustainable development in India. The book emphasizes the fact that the ideal way to achieve sustainable growth is to be responsible about the climate and the environment.

It is a must-read for all who care about the future of India, and protecting our planet.

Available here



Oxygen Manifesto: A Battle for the Environment By Atulya Misra

Oxygen Manifesto is a story of the triumph of ordinary people over the might of the establishment in their battle to save the environment.

Thatha lives in a remote and inaccessible part of Manipur and Ravi is a young IAS officer from

the Tamil Nadu cadre. Circumstances bring them together and they create the most effective

environmental movement the world has ever seen. They shun the politics of criticism and personal attacks and focus on establishing a new polity based on the principles of environmental protection, habitat conservation, direct civil action and democratic decentralization.

Oxygen Manifesto is an engaging story about environmental degradation and the impact of the

Anthropocene. It exposes the myth around wealth creation and the paradigm of economic growth. It also plants a development narrative that is environment-centric—an idea which is considered fringe in today’s times, but is bound to emerge as a mainstream thought in the future.

The story also has an undercurrent of minimalism and veganism, as opposed to consumerism and wasteful consumption. A novel concept of taxing goods and services based on their carbon and water footprint has also been introduced by the writer. This is a must-read for anyone who cares about the future of human civilization.

Available here



The Secret Life of Plants By Peter Tompkins

Exploring the world of plant and its relation to mankind as revealed by the latest discoveries of scientists, The Secret Life of Plants includes remarkable information about plants as lie detectors and plants as ecological sentinels; it describes their ability to adapt to human wishes, their response to music, their curative power, and their ability to communicate with man.

Available here



No One Had a Tongue to Speak: The Untold Story of One of History’s Deadliest Floods By Utpal Sandesara and Tom Wooten

In the monsoon of 1979, the Machhu dam collapsed after incessant rains. The town of Morbi was almost washed away and the death toll exceeded 25,000. The immense loss to life and property was followed by a blame game between authorities. This book, based on over 130 interviews and extensive research, gives a bona fide account of the heart-wrenching tragedy that wiped out entire families, and brings to light the long-hidden human errors that culminated in disaster.

Grounded in meticulous archival research, this eye-opening account of the Machhu dam disaster unfolds almost like a novel as it recounts a historic human tragedy and its aftermath. No One Had a Tongue to Speak paints a vivid portrait of an India torn between its feudal past and its industrial future, and the consequences of rapid yet short-sighted growth.

Available here



Rupa Book of Super Genius Environment Quiz By Dilip M. Salwi

Environment was never such fun before! Everybody talks about the environment but nobody does anything about it.

Available here




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