A hard copy of your proposal should be sent to us at the following address
Our Address
Rupa Publications India
161, B-4, Ground Floor, Gulmohar House,
Yusuf Sarai Community Centre,
New Delhi – 110 049
You can also send us your submissions by email to editorial@rupapublications.com.
For both fiction and non-fiction you can send us a detailed synopsis and three sample chapters (three sample stories in the case of short story collections) of the submission.
Please give us at least three months to let you know about your submission. We will get in touch with you should we wish to discuss your proposal further.
Please note that the decision to accept or reject your proposal is Rupa Publications India’s alone. The company will not necessarily provide a reason should it decide not to accept your submission.
Please ensure that you retain a copy of your work/submission as Rupa Publications India is not responsible for any loss or damage to submitted work.
Submissions will not be returned irrespective of whether they have been accepted or turned down. If they have been turned down, the company will dispose of them and will not enter into any further communication whatsoever about them.
Should we like your proposal, we will ask to see further material, but please do not assume that your manuscript has been accepted for publication by the company, all that it means is that we would like to see the complete manuscript before taking a final decision.
If we accept your manuscript, you will be formally notified by one of our editors or publishers and terms will then be agreed and contracts signed. Until then, please note that Rupa Publications India cannot assume any liability whatsoever for your proposal/manuscript.