No thirty-minute exercise routine can overcome the effects of millions of little moments that comprise a sedentary lifestyle. No single brilliant insight can overcome the results of a continually wayward mind.
The Power of Conscious Human Patterns shows how the tiny aligned rhythms of our body, mind, emotions, energy, actions and our environment will power us on to an amazing life. Our breaths, heartbeats, thoughts, feelings, how we sit, walk, talk, our circadian and ultradian rhythms, how we work, maintain our relationships, finances, and our most complex activities are all tiny patterns. Our external world too is patterned. Creating, modifying and leveraging the patterns within and around us consciously simplifies everything.
This book demystifies the little patterns and rhythms that add up to make our lives what they are. Understanding these micro patterns is necessary if we want to achieve anything in life—be it learning to communicate better or building a company. Most importantly, the book teaches us how to create our patterns, reach our goals, attain self-mastery and fulfilment, and all the while, enjoy the little journeys and not just the destinations.