Yoga for a healthy intestine | Bijoylaxmi Hota | Yoga for Super Immunity

Yoga for a healthy intestine | Bijoylaxmi Hota | Yoga for Super Immunity

Due to long-term abuse through inappropriate food consumption and sedentary lifestyle, the intestine loses its muscle tone and becomes sluggish, which in turn leads to constipation—the beginning of most digestive problems as well as other serious ailments. As digestive ailments take a long time to cure, it is better to prevent them. Therefore, apart from doing periodic detoxification of this organ, it is necessary to strengthen it by giving it some extra blood regularly. The following three asanas are excellent for that. One can add more for better results.



Lie down on your back and do cycling movements—10 times forward and 10 times backwards

Leg Lock

Leg Lock
Bend your knees and bring them to your chest
Interlock your fingers and hold your legs
Exhale and rise to touch your knees with your nose while pressing the legs to your body
Hold the posture for as long as comfortable
Inhaling, return to the ground and relax your hold
Repeat 10 times

Side Roll

Side Roll
Bend your knees and bring them to your chest as in the previous asana
Interlock your fingers and keep your hands under your head. Alternatively, you can spread out your arms
Keeping the knees close to your chest, turn your lower body to one side and head to the other
Relax in the resting posture for a few seconds and repeat on the other side
Repeat five times

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