

By: Dr M. Rajaram


  • ISBN: 9.79E+12
  • Pages: 145 pages
  • Published: February 2025
  • Format: Paperback
  • Imprint: Rupa
  • Language: English
With all this talk about global warming and climate change, we do tend to forget some of the fundamental things we take for granted, like getting up in the morning and brushing our teeth with the tap running or enjoying that tetra pack of juice before throwing it away. We forget, like most adults, that teaming water running is precious water wasted, getting rid of garbage from our house does not mean it disappears, a computer on stand is power wasted. We forget that our planet Earth is a living, breathing entity like us. And we need to start thinking about it today.
Dr M.Rajaram is an officer in the Indian Administrative Service with a postgraduate degree in English Literature, an M.Ed. in Education, a B.L. and a Ph.D (HRD). He belongs to the Scholar-Civil Servant Tradition. He earlier brought out the beautiful work of English translation for Thirukkural, earning a well-deserved tribute from Dr Abdul Kalam. Former President of India. His earlier books, Changing Faces of School Inspection, Towards Quality in Educational Administration and others are seminal works in the field of education.

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