‘And outside the tunnel, on the pine knoll below the school, there was fresh untrodden grass,
sprinkled with clover and daisies; the only sounds we heard were the hammering of a woodpecker
and the distant insistent call of the Himalayan Barbet. Who could touch us there?’
Recollections of adventures and laughter shared with friends become the anchors that bring us
joy in adulthood. Whether it is running around the playground, exploring new places, or maybe
even cooking up some harmless mischief with friends—these memories never fail to lift the fog of
monotony from one’s life.
Tales of Mischief and Adventure will transport you to Ruskin Bond’s enchanting world filled with
animals, children and mesmerizing adventures. The stories in this collection are made vivid by Bond’s
evocative prose and vibrant storytelling, carrying you away on a journey filled with adventure and joy.