The Magic of Ruskin’s Stories


Rows and rows of books. Some with a thick spine; some with a thin one. Some so old, they smell of a different century; some brand new, smelling of fresh paper and new worlds.

The little girl in a plain white school uniform stood staring at them, one finger lightly tapping her chin. Which window would she use to escape today? Her curious eyes landed on a few grey hardbound books in the bottom shelf. She knelt down and pulled out one book, turning the thick cover. Night of the Millennium by Ruskin Bond, it said.

That girl was me and that was my initiation into the stories of the legendary Ruskin Bond. In a dark world full of jarring jargon, Bond’s simple words are a beacon of light that both children and adults will enjoy reading. His stories are like your morning cup of tea, or a steaming hot chocolate on a freezing cold day—one sip and you can feel the warmth surging through your body.

Whether it’s the rich young man who get lured into a monstrous trap, or Binya’s precious blue umbrella that becomes the talk of her little town; whether it’s little Rakesh who feels like God on planting a cherry tree, or the adventures of a man who repeatedly encounters a serial killer at different stages of his life, there’s something in there for everyone.

On the 86th birthday of the Mussoorie magician who weaves worlds of wonder with his words, here is a list of some of his finest:


Braving Mussoorie’s Madding Crowd

In this rib-tickling anthology, Ruskin Bond brings together funny stories, humourous articles and comic verse. These hilarious encounters—from a lunatic who escapes the asylum to watch a cricket match to a goat that goes berserk in a posh drawing room—are guaranteed to make you smile, chuckle, snort, giggle and laugh out loud!


Ruskin Bond’s Children’s Omnibus

A vividly illustrated book, for children and adults alike, this is a collection of the author’s best-loved stories. This volume includes the eternally popular Grandfather’s Private Zoo, Angry River, The Blue Umbrella, The Road to the Bazaar, as well as the short stories ‘Cricket for the Crocodile’ and ‘Dust on the Mountain’. Witty, charming and quietly evocative, these stories are Ruskin Bond classics.


Night of the Millennium

Could Pasand, a man of the millennium, ever think that his cell phone would be of no help as he is caught in the clutches of the family in the graveyard? And could Harley Warren, a researcher of forbidden subjects, ever imagine that the telephone he was using to keep in touch with his friend as he explored the dark depths of a sepulchre would be useless in the face of danger? These and other elements of the night find place in this book compiled by India’s favourite author, Ruskin Bond. Comprising stories by Rudyard Kipling, H.H. Munro, Bram Stoker and others, Night of the Millennium will chill you to the bone!


A Little Book of Flowers

In this gorgeously illustrated collection, Ruskin Bond has put together his succinct observations on his favourite flowers. From the dandelions, daises and buttercups to the snapdragons, violets and marigolds—Bond describes them all. This pocketbook is a handy guide for anyone who is interested in exploring the world of flowers as well as all those who love reading about nature. Gentle, elegiac, and replete with beautiful descriptions, this is for every nature-lover to cherish.


Roads to Mussoorie

This is a memorable evocation of a writer’s surroundings and the role they have played in his work and life. Ruskin Bond describes his many journeys to, from and around Mussoorie, delving with gusto into the daily scandals of this not so sleepy hill town. The pieces in this collection are characterized by Bond’s incorrigible sense of humour and eye for detail, as well as his enduring affection and nostalgia for the home he has lived in for over forty years.


Ghost Stories from the Raj 

Ruskin Bond, travelled across the length and breadth of India collecting 19 unique stories from the British colonial times, which give the reader an insight into the perspective of British soldiers and officers on the subject of ghost stories. Some of the stories which have been mentioned here are believable, some are humorous and others, like The Men Tigers, are unbelievable by any stretch of imagination.

Which Ruskin story are you reading today?


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