WAKE-UP CALL: Take control of your mornings and transform your life

by Thibaut Meurisse

  • Category Non-Fiction
  • Format Paperback
  • Imprint Rupa
  • Price 195
  1. ISBN: 978-93-89967-61-6
  2. Pages: 104 pages
  3. Date: 1st April 2021


It’s time to wake up excited and eager to take control of your day. 

Make new memories with your family each day.

Would you like to take control of your mornings and change your life once and for all?

Do you rely on coffee to wake up in the morning? Do you consider the snooze button to be one of the best inventions of all time?

What would you do if you could actually look forward to waking up each day? Imagine how much more productive you’d be. You’d significantly increase the odds of achieving your most exciting goals! You could spend time working on that side business you’ve talked about for years. Or you could take time to sip your favourite coffee because you enjoy it, and not because you’re dependent on it.


THIBAUT MEURISSE is a blogger, author and founder of Whatispersonaldevelopment.org. He has been featured on major personal development websites such as Goalcast, Lifehack, MotivationGrid, TinyBuddhaor PickTheBrain.

Obsessed with self-improvement and fascinated by the power of the mind, his personal mission is to help people realize their full potential and reach higher levels of fulfillment and consciousness.
In love with foreign languages, he is a French, writing in English and who lived in Japan for almost a decade.