VOCABULARY OF A LEADER: Powerful Phrases to Lead Your Team Effectively

by Charles Holding

  • Category Self Help
  • Format Paperback
  • Imprint Rupa
  • Price 295
  1. ISBN: 978-81-291-4007-4
  2. Pages: 144 pages
  3. Date: 5th August 2022


To be an effective leader, be an effective speaker.
Words can inspire. Words are capable of changing your life within seconds. But, words can also be damaging. They carry a weight that cannot be measured. That is because words may escape us fleetingly in that temporary moment, but they often make or break us as people. This is why it’s crucial that we understand the power of language that we seem to use without a second thought due to the busy lifestyles we lead. But that complacency must be fought against, for it could cost you the deal of a lifetime or perhaps even a valuable teammate.
There are lots of situation-specific choices of phrases and words that one can use in their professional life and many of these are presented in Vocabulary of a Leader. Leaders must be definitive and clear in their speech and that is what this book focuses on.


Charles Holding is an entrepreneur and a life coach.