Treat Your Back Without Surgery The Best Nonsurgical Alternatives for Eliminating Back and Neck Pain

by Stephen Hochschuler and Bob Reznik

  1. ISBN: 978-81-291-2067-0
  2. Pages: 224 pages
  3. Date: November 2012


Most of us have suffered from back and/or neck pain at some point in our lives.
When the going gets tough, surgery and expensive healthcare seem to be the only
options. But are they?
Treat Your Back Without Surgery provides proven exercise programs and natural healing
techniques that will allow readers to self-diagnose back problems, relieve pain
and prevent its recurrence. The authors also provide insight on mainstream professional
remedies, such as physical therapy, chiropractic and the use of lumbar corsets.
This book discusses:


Stephen Hochschuler, M.D., is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who specializes
in spine surgery. A cofounder and the current Chairman of the Texas Back Institute,
he is also the author of Back in Shape, a book for back pain sufferers.
Bob Reznik, MBA, is the coauthor of Knee Pain: The Self-Help Guide and the
editor of Back in Shape. His company, Prizm Development, works with healthcare
providers around the United States to develop consumer-friendly centers of