by Napoleon Hill

  1. ISBN: 978-93-5333-815-2
  2. Pages: 240 pages
  3. Date: 1st January 2020


The incredible story of one of the finest Indian actors of our generation.

Since its publication in 1937, Napoleon Hill’s seminal Think and Grow Rich has inspired generations of readers to develop their skills and become masters at anything to do. Inspired by Andrew Carnegie himself, Hill’s easy-to-follow guidebook to success is based on thirteen simple ‘steps’:
1. Desire
2. Faith
3. Autosuggestion
4. Specialized Knowledge
5. Imagination
6. Organized Planning
7. Decision
8. Persistence
9. Power of the Master Mind
10. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
11. The Subconscious Mind
12. The Brain
13. The Sixth Sense
Through a mixture of sound advice, income management methods, and personal anecdotes, Hill delivers the ultimate motivational message in Think and Grow Rich—and probably the only one you’ll ever need.
Discover for yourself what makes this guidebook to better living one of the bestselling books of
all time!


NAPOLEON HILL (1883-1970), best known for his global bestseller Think and Grow Rich, was
a self-help author and businessman whose work has influenced millions across the world, from
Norman Vincent Peale to Donald Trump. Born poor, Hill lived a colourful life, pursuing several
different business ventures and professions. He also met and advised many famous people, such as US President Woodrow Wilson. Hill eventually found widespread success as a motivational author, writing several books on how to achieve success and practically creating the self-help genre.