by Edith Nesbit (1858–1924)

  1. ISBN: 978-93-5702-255-2
  2. Pages: 48 pages
  3. Date: 5th June 2023


The Railway Children, written by Edith Nesbit and first published in 1906, is a classic children’s novel
that tells the story of three siblings who move from London to the countryside after their father is
mysteriously taken away. The children—Roberta (Bobbie), Peter and Phyllis—adjust to their new
life by exploring the countryside and making new friends, including the station master and the Old
Gentleman who takes an interest in them.
The novel follows the children as they embark on various adventures, from waving to the passing
trains and helping a Russian exile to uncover his true identity to staging a daring rescue to save
their father. Throughout their adventures, the children learn important lessons about perseverance,
kindness and the power of love and family.
The Railway Children is notable for its heart-warming portrayal of family life and the bond between
siblings. The novel also explores themes of social class and injustice, as the family’s new life in the
country contrasts sharply with their privileged upbringing in London. Nesbit’s writing style is known
for its engaging and descriptive prose, and her use of everyday language makes the novel accessible
and relatable to readers of all ages.


Edith Nesbit (1858–1924) was a British author and poet best known for her children’s literature,
including The Railway Children, Five Children and It and The Phoenix and the Carpet. Nesbit was
born in London and spent much of her childhood moving between different parts of the country
due to her father’s work as an agricultural chemist.
Nesbit began her writing career as a poet and was associated with the Symbolist movement. She
later turned her attention to children’s literature, drawing inspiration from her own experiences as
a mother and her interest in the supernatural and magical worlds. Nesbit’s writing was known for
its humour, wit and imaginative storytelling, and she was one of the first authors to introduce a
contemporary and realistic setting to children’s literature.
In addition to her writing, Nesbit was also an active member of the Fabian Society, a socialist
organization that advocated for social and political change in Britain. Her political views were
reflected in her writing, which often included themes of social justice and equality.
Nesbit’s works have been praised for their enduring appeal and their ability to engage and entertain
readers of all ages. Her stories have been adapted into numerous films, television series and stage
productions, and her influence on children’s literature can be seen in the works of many contemporary
authors. Nesbit’s legacy as a pioneering and influential writer has continued to be celebrated and
appreciated by readers around the world.