by Dale Carnegie

  • Category Non-Fiction
  • Format Paperback
  • Imprint Rupa
  • Price 195
  1. ISBN: 978-93-5702-320-7
  2. Pages: 159 pages
  3. Date: 5th August 2023


Being a leader involves understanding the value of one’s words and actions, and having faith in one’s
decisions. Dale Carnegie’s The Leader in You teaches people how to be powerful and responsible
leaders, irrespective of the line of work they are in.
With insights and examples from the lives of leaders in the corporate, sports, entertainment and
academic worlds, this book demonstrates ways to strengthen leadership qualities in order to achieve
one’s goals while also laying emphasis on self-confidence and a balance between work and leisure.
Leadership is all about developing strong decision-making skills, but more importantly, it is about
inspiring others, which is something Dale Carnegie continues to do till today. There is a leader in
all of us, and this book holds the key to unlocking it.


Dale Carnegie, born on 24 November, 1888, was a farmer’s son from Maryville, Missouri. He
developed public-speaking skills and graduated from the State Teacher’s College in 1908. Starting
his career selling correspondence courses, he became a successful salesman for Armour & Company.
In 1911, he pursued his dream of becoming a Chautauqua lecturer and later found his calling as a
public-speaking instructor. His innovative teaching methods, including encouraging students to speak
about their anger, led to the evolution of the Dale Carnegie Course. Carnegie’s influential book, How
to Win Friends and Influence People, became a bestseller, selling five million copies worldwide. He
critiqued over 150,000 speeches and trained 450,000 graduates through the Dale Carnegie Institute.
Carnegie’s achievements in public speaking and personal development left a lasting legacy.