by Payal Kothari

  1. ISBN: 978-93-90547-01-2
  2. Pages: 232 pages
  3. Date: 1st March 2021


A fascinating guide to help us listen to our gut.


How does the gut affect immunity?

What is the connection of our gut and mental health?

How can we cure issues like acidity, obesity and brain fog?

The good news is that almost any ailment can be healed. The key is not just managing the symptoms but treating it from its root cause—the gut!

Your gut is a host to 100 trillion bacteria, good and bad, living in synergy with each other to help fight against pathogens, diseases and germ attacks. It also helps accelerate your weight loss journey as well as build and boost immunity to fight any virus. The gut is also the main reason you can remember and reason things; it is where your fight-flight responses lay. It helps builds your cognitive fitness and protects your mental well-being as it is also your happy hormone secretor.

However, modern lifestyle changes have made our guts more vulnerable than ever before. Payal Kothari’s The Gut is all about understanding your bio-individual needs. It simplifies ways to heal simple and chronic illnesses by eating the right foods and releasing stress from your gut. The gut is the core of who we are, and this fascinating book tells you how to start listening to your gut instincts—from simple things like what to eat to closing a million-dollar deal!


Payal Kothari embarked on her health and wellness journey with the world’s largest nutrition school, IIN—Institute for Integrative Nutrition, New York USA, IIN Advanced Business, Medvarsity, India’s leading training academy, Kaizad Kapadia’s K11 and QI academy. She has 150 published articles under her belt from prestigious publications like Times of India, Vogue, The Indian Express, Hindustan Times and ET Panache. She holds practical certifications from ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) and has been a part of some of the most powerful global Transformation Programs like Date with Destiny & Unleash the Power Within with Tony Robbins. Today, Payal is one of the rare few IIN-certified coaches in India who practises Integrative Nutrition and Transformation.

To further accelerate her Transformations, she mastered the art of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Program) certified under John Grinder through various international courses and made her clients’ chariot of life stronger and progressive. Payal’s mastery in NLP gives her an edge in getting results accurately for her clients. She is also a sought-after speaker at schools, colleges, universities, corporates and at several different forums. She is a master trainer who ensures faster results from her workshops.