The Fitness Currency: At Any Stage, At Any Age

by Utkarsh Rai

  1. ISBN: 978-93-5304-075-8
  2. Pages: 246 pages
  3. Date: 20 July 2018


I want to lose weight.

This is a mission statement for an increasing number of people. However, the journey from statement to reality is really hard.

By the time popular author and successful professional, Utkarsh Rai, decided to fight the bulge and other health issues, he was in his mid-forties and at a critical stage in his career. Even though weight management and good health had become an obsession for him, the rigours of professional and everyday life turned these into arduous and torturous ‘tasks’. That is when he discovered ‘The Fitness Currency’ and how it can make people ‘rich’. However, this is the only currency that can’t be earned by anyone else for you.

In The Fitness Currency, Utkarsh Rai asserts that everyone can earn this currency regardless of their age or stage of life. Fitness is the new currency for not just a long and successful career, but also a happier life, and Utkarsh uses his own example to demonstrate it. Staying fit is no longer an option but a means of survival. Running the treadmill becomes doubly important when you are in a frenetic race to the top in your career. This book covers the full gamut of fitness, from mental firmness and balanced diet to ways of exercising. Step-by-step processes reveal ways of overcoming obstacles on the path to fitness. Adding weight to this book are pieces by six leading fitness experts. The Fitness Currency will make you want to earn this currency. Today.


Utkarsh Rai is a management consultant and coach. He is a former Managing Director of Infinera India. A recipient of Udyog Rattan award, he is the author of two popular books: Faster Smarter Higher: Managing Your Career and 101 Myths and Realities @ the Office.

From being massively overweight to regaining fitness, Utkarsh is an inspiration for many. He is also an angel investor in start-ups. His hobbies include acting and traveling to offbeat destinations.