by Plato

  • Category Classics
  • Format PB
  • Imprint
  • Price 195
  1. ISBN: 978-81-291-2943-7
  2. Pages: 356 pages
  3. Date: July 2013


An enquiry into the nature of the ideal society, Republic is a series of dialogues between Socrates and various interrogators. It proposes a state organized and governed on philosophical principles and asks if goodness can exist—devoid of motive, obligation or supplication to a stronger power—solely by itself and translate into society as a whole. The work also contemplates the duality inherent in life: the reality we perceive through our senses and the truth we can gain through the world of ideas.
Although Plato is largely concerned with the definition of justice, the city-state and the just man, he also discusses a range of topics: social, moral, educational and psychological. Considered to be one of the bedrocks of Greek philosophy, Republic has had immeasurable impact on Western thought through the ages.


Plato, a philosopher in classical Greece, wrote extensively and on a variety of subjects. His writings can be divided into three distinct periods. Between 399-381 bce, he wrote of his travels in the Mediterranean region and composed the dialogues that distil the philosophy of Socrates. These texts include Apology of Socrates, Protagoras, Euthyphro, Hippias Major and Minor and Ion. In the second period, Plato decided to write in own voice about the individual and society, and the ideals of justice and courage as fundamental to the functioning of the state. Republic, his best known work, was written during this time. The last phase of his writing consists of his exploration of metaphysical ideas as well as the role of art in life.