by Shalini Modi

  • Category Non-Fiction
  • Format Paperback
  • Imprint Rupa
  • Price 395
  1. ISBN: 978-93-6156-843-5
  2. Pages: 232 pages
  3. Date: 5th October 2024


Rasas are emotions, the plethora of feelings experienced by our gods, fellow humans, and even our mighty animal kingdom. It transforms an external experience into an internal feeling, which in turn enables us to form our society, our relations, and eventually ourselves. Each of us can be described by features dominated by a single emotion or a combination of emotions. Thus, it is safe to say that essentially rasa is in everything and everything has rasa—our everyday, our vulnerabilities, our struggles, and most of all our triumphs. Sadly, our hectic lifestyles are driving us farther away from our abilities to express and experience our emotions freely. Bounded by social restrictions, we, the new, modern humans, are allowing ourselves to be held back by our liabilities.

In an effort to break these bondages, Rasas in Divine Relationships uniquely interweaves the concept of emotions, rasas, from the Natya Shastra (a treatise on the performing arts) and the lives and stories of deific couples, to lead as examples. These larger-than-life characters with extraordinary qualities, upon whom we mortals base our belief system, are depicted as being vulnerable to some of the base desires and vices, thereby making them relatable for the present generations.


Shalini Modi is an astrologer and an avid follower of old Indian scriptures, the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and epics, which she feels have a lot to offer. It is her belief that the stories and the philosophy in them are relevant to our lives even today and parallels can be drawn to any situation in our lives.

Before Covid-19, Shalini ran an NGO called Pragati Kendra, which supported underprivileged children in their education and encouraged underprivileged women to become economically independent.