by R. Gopalakrishnan, R. Srinivasan

  • Category Non-Fiction
  • Format Hardcover
  • Imprint Rupa
  • Price 500
  1. ISBN: 978-93-5520-115-7
  2. Pages: 216 pages
  3. Date: 10th November 2021


People relations must be honed on the anvil of experience on the job
People relations are the agate mortar on which the pestle of management excellence is ground. There is a liquid part and a solid part in converting metal into gold in alchemy. In management, the solid is the body of explicit knowledge and techniques taught in programs and institutes, while the liquid is about excelling in human relationships.
R. Gopalakrishnan and R. Srinivasan, blood brothers some six years apart, have real experience of what it takes to clamber up the slippery grease poles of corporate careers, having risen in their companies to the CXO suite. Together, this experience represents a cauldron of valuable lessons of experience. In the process, they have developed a distinctive view about business careers and leadership.
In Pivots for Career Success, Gopal and Srini bring together a subaltern view of the subject as also a high-level view from the hot, dusty environment of markets and factories to the dizzying heights of well-carpeted board rooms. They have written separately and independently based on their distinctive experiences, but argued and shared thoughts frequently over lively conversations.


R. Gopalakrishnan (Gopal) believes that there are two kinds of wealth that top executives acquire: some money and lots of experience. Most leave the first to family and charity. They carry the second to the cemetery. After his first two careers, first with Hindustan Unilever, and then with Tata, Gopal spends his third career, disseminating the lessons of his experience for upcoming managers. This is his seventeenth book. He welcomes reader feedback at rgopal@themindworks.me
R. Srinivasan (Srini) has enjoyed working in remote locations across the country and in diverse responsibilities across diverse businesses. He has frequently shared his learnings with generations of upcoming managers and been a mentor-coach to many.
This is his first book. He welcomes reader feedback at mridsrini@hotmail.com