by Steven Schuster

  • Category Non-Fiction
  • Format Paperback
  • Imprint Rupa
  • Price 250
  1. ISBN: 978-93-5520-947-4
  2. Pages: 128 pages
  3. Date: 5th March 2024


Think critically. Improve your decision-making. Control your thoughts. Sort out irrational fears.

Cluttered, neurotic thoughts invade our mind more often than we realize and we end up living our life in anxiety, triggered by thoughts that are unfounded and are easily avoidable. Mindset Makeover will highlight the main cognitive mistakes we make and how to change them for peace of mind.

Stop reacting based on your old mindset. Your mindset becomes so internalized that it makes decisions without you being aware of it. But do you have more bad habits than good? This book will help you discover how your mindset is working against you. Aided by scientifically proven research and practices, Mindset Makeover will help improve your critical thinking skills and develop better judgment in battling self-sabotaging thoughts. Learn how to face and solve your problems in a constructive way.

Mindset Makeover is a thought-provoking, science-backed guide that guarantees a complete change of worldview. Find what are the thinking quirks holding you back from quick, rational thinking and decision making and change your life for the better.


Bestselling author Steven Schuster has always been captivated by the intricacies of the human mind. From the echoing hallways of libraries to the serene landscapes of the Rocky Mountains, Steven has ventured far and wide in his relentless quest for knowledge and first-hand experience. Blending profound psychological insights with captivating storytelling, he has reached readers across the globe, igniting their passion for self-discovery.

A self-proclaimed ‘eternal student’, Steven spends his days immersed in a medley of fictional prose and cutting-edge research, distilling wisdom that spans different fields of study.

When he’s not penning transformative books, you’ll find Steven exploring a hidden forest trail, indulging in his love for vintage jazz, or lost in deep conversation with fellow thinkers at quaint cafés from Paris to Kuala Lumpur.

Join Steven on a journey into the depths of consciousness, and emerge with knowledge that help you live your best life.