Jungle Tales for Children

by Kenneth Anderson

  • Category Children
  • Format PB
  • Imprint
  • Price 95
  1. ISBN:
  2. Pages: 112 pages
  3. Date:


A baby sloth bear whose naughtiness constantly lands him in trouble, a wily jackal who outwits a charging panther, an old elephant who risks his life to save his son, a bashful hyena who puts up a brave fight against a pack of wild dogs—these and other endearing characters make up the cast of Kenneth Anderson’s Jungle Tales for Children.
Set in the jungles of South India and full of thrilling twists and turns, these tales about animals not only delight the reader but also teach important lessons about compassion, respect and responsibility for the natural world. Inspired by real-life experiences of the author, these are timeless stories that will live on in your mind long after you have put down the book.


Kenneth Anderson (1910–1974) was a hunter, nature enthusiast and chronicler of wildlife. His hunting expeditions involved several close encounters with man-eating tigers, rogue elephants, leopards and other wild animals. He wrote about eight books and sixty short stories which recount many of his real-life adventures and hunting exploits in the jungles of South India. In 2000, his collected works, The Kenneth Anderson Omnibus, were published in two volumes.
He spent most of his life in Bangalore, where he was employed with an aeronautics company. Anderson’s invaluable contribution to shikar literature in India continues to inspire scores of wildlife lovers.
Visit www.facebook.com/groups/kennethanderson to know more about the author.