by Translated by Suganthy Krishnamachari

  1. ISBN: 978-93-5702-789-2
  2. Pages: 412 pages
  3. Date: 5th December 2023


I, Krishnadevaraya is a translation of the famous Tamil novel Naan Krishnadevarayan by Ra. Ki.
Rangarajan. The Tamil actor Kamal Hassan suggested that Ra. Ki. translate I, Claudius by Robert Graves
into Tamil. Instead, Ra. Ki. decided to present first-person narrative of the story of Krishnadevaraya,
the emperor of Vijayanagar.
Ra. Ki.’s hero is like any other young man of his age—his romantic attachments overshadowing
everything else in his life—until his minister and mentor, Appaji, reminds him that his duty ought to
take precedence over his love life. Coming to the throne in difficult circumstances, Krishnadevaraya
had to wage relentless battle to preserve the Vijayanagar empire. Circumstances prevented him
from marrying the woman he loved or pursuing literature, his true passion. Overcoming all of this,
Krishnadevaraya went on to become the greatest emperor of the Vijayanagar Empire.
I, Krishnadevaraya takes you into the inner world of the emperor, providing a vivid picture of his
thinking, his insecurities and his decision-making.
Ably translated by Suganthi Krishnamachari, I, Krishnadevaraya is a fascinating look at one of India’s
greatest kings.


About The Author
Ra. Ki. Rangarajan, who was with Tamil magazine Kumudam for forty years, left a mark on almost
every genre of Tamil literature. He even wrote on the occult. He was perhaps the author with the
most pseudonyms—as many as ten! He also tried his hand at translations, Tamil reading public. His
translation of Henri Charriere’s Papillon was serialised in Kumudam and was a huge hit. Ra. Ki’s
short stories with a surprise twist in the end were compiled under the title Twist Kadaigal: A Twist
in the Tale. Ra. Ki.’s magnum opus was Naan Krishnadevarayan.

About The Translator
Suganthy Krishnamachari is a Chennai-based journalist, and has written articles on history,
temple architecture, Sanskrit, mathematics, literature and music. She has written a series of books
for schoolchildren on mathematics and English grammar. One of her short stories, published in a
leading newspaper, is being used by an educational publishing company that is bringing out two
English Language Teaching (ELT) series for school students. Another story was translated into Tamil
some years ago, and published by an educationist in a magazine she edits.