by Ruskin Bond

  1. ISBN: 978-93-5702-440-2
  2. Pages: 64 pages
  3. Date: 5th August 2023


Within the pages of this enchanting book, adorned with imaginative illustrations, a world of wonder awaits eager minds. This
exquisite literary treasure invites young readers to embark on an unforgettable journey into the captivating realm of Ruskin
Bond’s storytelling mastery.
Great Stories for Children Vol. 3 brings together the best of his stories for young readers. Included here are old favourites like
‘The Overcoat’ and ‘Wild Fruit’, as well as ‘The Night the Roof Blew Off ’ and the moving ‘And Now We Are Twelve’.


Ruskin Bond, a beloved children’s author, was born on 19 May 1934 and currently resides with his adopted family in
Landour, Mussoorie.
With over 60 plus years of experience as a writer, Bond has written in various genres. Among his several bestselling works
are fiction, short stories, novellas, essays and collections, some of which delve into his own autobiography.
Bond’s lyrical prose beautifully captures the essence of nature, evoking a deep sense of longing and nostalgia. Through
his stories, he reminds us of the importance of embracing simplicity and finding joy in life’s small pleasures. The tranquil
pace of his writing grants readers the opportunity to pause and reflect upon the beauty that surrounds them. By evoking
a yearning for a simpler time, Bond’s stories emphasize the significance of slowing down and cherishing the present.
In his writing, Bond skillfully encapsulates the very soul of the Indian landscape, with its vibrant colours, sounds and
aromas. Through his stories, he pays homage to the age-old tradition of oral storytelling, ensuring its preservation for
generations to come.