by Moonstone

  • Category Children
  • Format Paperback
  • Imprint Moonstone
  • Price 495
  1. ISBN: 978-93-5520-748-7
  2. Pages: 264 pages
  3. Date: 5th September 2023


Accelerate the Emergence of a Genius in Your Little One!
Fun with 1001 Activities is a fun-filled knowledge bank with activities ranging from dots-to-dots to mazes, to puzzles and
word searches, helping your child maximize their observational, analytical and cognitive skills. Each activity is positioned
carefully, ensuring a progressive and organic interest in your child and guiding them along the way as the difficulty level rises.
So, pick up this ultimate toolkit for your child today, and ignite their mastermind within.


At Moonstone, an exclusive team of developmental editors and designers are responsible for the curation of children’s
books that not only help with cognitive growth but also enhance your child’s basic comprehension of the world. The team
is dedicated to bringing a wave of fresh books catering to age-specific content that can make your child stand out from
the crowd. Extensive research is done before planning the outlay of the book to specifically serve the needs of initial
brain development. Our goal is to bring interesting and entertaining content to market, which will help your children
master foundational qualitative, quantitative and verbal skills. Moonstone is here to make an optimistic difference in the
mental growth of your child!