EMPOWER YOUR FEAR: Turn Self-Doubt into a Confident Plan of Action

by Scott Allan

  1. ISBN: 978-93-9054-793-7
  2. Pages: 144 pages
  3. Date: 5th October 2022


Is the fear of failure keeping you trapped? Are you tired of living beneath your potential? Do you want a strategic program that shows you how to master fear and take greater charge of your life?
If so, Empower Your Fear is the book you must read.
Combined with a system of pragmatic techniques and sound advice, personal development leader and success strategist Scott Allan shows you how to master your fear and build greater confidence in your life, work, and relationships.
By implementing a system of strategic principles backed by years of experience, this is a comprehensive blueprint for reversing your fear-based mindset.
Empower Your Fear is the only book you need to convert fear into fearlessness, transform self-doubt into confidence, and turn emotional paralysis into a system of actionable steps.


With his books published in 6 languages, and over 200,000 copies sold worldwide, Scott Allan is
on a mission to transform the human potential.
Scott is the bestselling author of Fail Big, Relaunch Your Life and Do the Hard Things First. As a
former corporate business trainer in Japan, and Transformational Success Strategist, he has invested over 10,000 hours of practice and research into the areas of confidence development and mindset mastery training.
With an unrelenting passion for teaching, building critical life skills, and inspiring people around
the world to take charge of their lives, he is committed to a path of constant and never-ending
You can join the challenge by visiting Scott at scottallaninternational.com