Are you Overparenting? Why doing everything possible harms your child

by Lachmi Deb Roy

  • Category Non-Fiction
  • Format Paperback
  • Imprint Rupa
  • Price 295
  1. ISBN: 978-93-5333-515-1
  2. Pages: 200 pages
  3. Date: 1st July


Have you ever felt disappointed and angry that your child did not fare as well as you had wanted him to? And blamed your child for ‘failing’, and maybe yourself too?
Most parents forget that by helping a child all the time and planning each hour of his day is
likely to make him a self-entitled adult who may not be able to cope with life’s problems, take
tough decisions, or manage stress.
This book asks parents to take a huge step back and urges them to believe that it is more important to encourage a child’s independence than to focus on excellence. Besides, it addresses a host of issues most parents usually struggle with, such as how to let go and how far to let go of a child, how to connect, how and what to talk about sex, etc. It even talks about adoption and raising a single child.
A go-to book for all parents that effectively brings home a simple truth: allowing your child to
take control of his life is the best way to raise a successful and happy child!


Lachmi Deb Roy, a special correspondent with Outlook magazine, has been a lifestyle journalist
for the past fifteen years. She has worked with, and written for, leading publications such as The Hindu, The Times of India and lifestyle magazines. In 2013, she was the cultural ambassador to
Mexico on behalf of Rotary International. As a lifestyle journalist, she likes to work on sensitive and research-based stories on children and women’s issues. The mother of a thirteen-year-old, Lachmi lives with her husband in Delhi. A sepsis survivor and an autoimmune warrior, she believes in living each day of her life to the fullest.