by Moonstone

  • Category Children
  • Format Paperback
  • Imprint Moonstone
  • Price 295
  1. ISBN: 978-93-5702-378-8
  2. Pages: 96 pages
  3. Date: 5th October 2023


Discover our all-inclusive Amazing Sports Activities tailored for budding artists, sports lovers and activity enthusiasts. This
vibrantly colourful interactive sports-themed book contains maze challenges, spot the differences, odd one out, engaging
mathematical and colouring activities—not to mention joining the dots and cracking codes—and offers a wide range
of engaging activities. These activities are meticulously crafted to stimulate thinking, enhance reasoning abilities, boost
cognitive functions and sharpen observational skills.


At Moonstone, an exclusive team of developmental editors and designers are responsible for the curation of children’s
books that not only help with cognitive growth but also enhance your child’s basic comprehension of the world. The team
is dedicated to bringing a wave of fresh books catering to age-specific content that can make your child stand out from
the crowd. Extensive research is done before planning the outlay of the book to specifically serve the needs of initial
brain development. Our goal is to bring interesting and entertaining content to market, which will help your children
master foundational qualitative, quantitative and verbal skills. Moonstone is here to make an optimistic difference in the
mental growth of your child!