Afterlife: Ghost Stories from Goa

by Jessica Faleiro

  1. ISBN: 978-81-291-2082-3
  2. Pages: 168 pages
  3. Date: December 2012


Goa. The Fonseca family is gathered in Savio’s house on the eve of his seventy-fifth
birthday. It starts raining heavily, the electricity fails, and in the darkness, family
members start narrating their encounters with the supernatural.
As the night advances, many stories—deeply unsettling, for they are all connected to
the Fonseca name—come tumbling out. An ominous bird visits the family matriarch
on her deathbed, a young boy is possessed by an older man’s spirit, and a deceased
uncle sends an urgent message from beyond the grave. Startling family secrets are
revealed, as is an ancient curse that forever binds the family.


Jessica Faleiro has an MA in Creative Writing from Kingston University, UK, and
has written travel articles for The Times of India, Crest edition. She is a global nomad
who spends her time writing, in-between her travels. This is her first novel.