A Short History of Indian Railways

by Rajendra B. Aklekar

  • Category Non-Fiction
  • Format Paperback
  • Imprint Rupa
  • Price 295
  1. ISBN: 978-93-5333-287-7
  2. Pages: 248 pages
  3. Date: June 2019


Did you know that India’s first steam engine never ran on tracks and was actually used to run
driving mills in a factory?
That the maximum speed of the first commercial train in India was 4.5 miles/hour?
That the country’s first-ever steam locomotive could never be introduced commercially since it
was destroyed in a factory blast?
That the locomotive engine for the maiden rail run between Bombay and Thane was pulled by
200 coolies on streets?
That there actually was a plan to build a rail network from the English Channel all the way to
the river Indus?
This is a people’s history of Indian Railways. Anecdotes and stories are curated from the time the first wagon rolled in India, up to the advent of bullet trains.


Rajendra B. Aklekar (born 1974) is an Indian journalist with more than two decades of
experience. He is presently with Mid-Day, Mumbai, as Senior Assistant Editor. Rajendra is the
bestselling author of Halt Station India and India’s Railways Man: A Biography of E. Sreedharan.