by Moonstone

  • Category Children
  • Format Paperback
  • Imprint Rupa
  • Price 295
  1. ISBN: 978-93-5520-726-5
  2. Pages: 96 pages
  3. Date: 5th January 2023


With vivid images ranging from animals and birds to fruits to vegetables, this 101 Copy Colouring Book will help enhance the understanding of colours and control of colouring within the lines gradually in your young one. The observational skills will also be sharpened with over 100 interesting pages. The images will initiate a sense of relatability with the objects and subjects in the surroundings, making your child more aware and enthusiastic about learning.


At Moonstone, an exclusive team of developmental editors and designers are responsible for the curation of children’s books which not only help with cognitive growth but also enhance your child’s basic comprehensibility of the world. The team is dedicated to bring a wave of fresh books catering to age-specific content that can make your child stand out of the crowd. Extensive research is done before planning the outlay of the book to serve specifically to the needs of initial brain development. Our goal is to bring interesting and entertaining content in the market which will help your children master foundational qualitative, quantitative and verbal skills. Moonstone is here to make an optimistic difference in the mental growth of your child.