The disappearance of the malaysian aircraft mh470 has remained a mystery, until now!
Kabir, a top-ranking Indian military intelligence officer, has been on a personal mission for nearly a decade to unravel the truth behind a suspected plane crash. During his latest submarine expedition aimed at finding the plane?s debris, he contracts a severe infection and is admitted to a hospital in Kuala Lumpur. But Kabir is now getting too close to the truth and someone wants to end his pursuit. When a hired assassin and his men chase Kabir on the streets of Kuala Lumpur, a beautiful US secret service agent, Keira, comes to his rescue. Before Kabir can figure out who wants him dead and whether Keira is really who she claims to be, he gets a call from a secret society, imploring him to join a mission to save mankind?and himself?from destruction. The impending disaster is actually the climax of a century-long conspiracy.
Kabir is caught in the middle of a war between two secret societies. It is a war that threatens to
change the world?s destiny, as well as Kabir?s, in the next 72 hours. Set in two converging timelines, this must-read thriller is also a probe whether religion is the real reason behind terrorism, war and suffering in the world.
Kabir, a top-ranking Indian military intelligence officer, has been on a personal mission for nearly a decade to unravel the truth behind a suspected plane crash. During his latest submarine expedition aimed at finding the plane?s debris, he contracts a severe infection and is admitted to a hospital in Kuala Lumpur. But Kabir is now getting too close to the truth and someone wants to end his pursuit. When a hired assassin and his men chase Kabir on the streets of Kuala Lumpur, a beautiful US secret service agent, Keira, comes to his rescue. Before Kabir can figure out who wants him dead and whether Keira is really who she claims to be, he gets a call from a secret society, imploring him to join a mission to save mankind?and himself?from destruction. The impending disaster is actually the climax of a century-long conspiracy.
Kabir is caught in the middle of a war between two secret societies. It is a war that threatens to
change the world?s destiny, as well as Kabir?s, in the next 72 hours. Set in two converging timelines, this must-read thriller is also a probe whether religion is the real reason behind terrorism, war and suffering in the world.