The New Art of Negotiating

Business & Economics

The New Art of Negotiating

By: Henry Calero Gerard Nierenberg


  • ISBN: 978-81-291-1935-3
  • Pages: 208 pages
  • Published: February 2025
  • Format: PB
  • Imprint:
  • Language: English
Everyone has to negotiate every day in their lives. Whether it?s a business transaction, or while dealing with one?s boss and co-workers, or with their children, negotiating is a life skill. Written by experts in the art of negotiations, the book ?The New Art of Negotiating? introduces the readers to the various crucial skills required for an effective negotiation. Early in their careers, the authors made a revolutionary discovery: Negotiation does not have to be an adversarial process that ends in victory for one party and defeat for the other. The reader will learn how to analyze his/her opponent?s motivation, negotiate toward mutually satisfying terms, learn from their opponent?s body language, and much more. Throughout this book, the reader will be guided by the authors towards the successful application of ?Everybody Wins? tactics. This book is for anyone who wants to control their destiny and experience winwin success in today?s challenging business and social climate.
Gerard I. Nierenberg, a successful lawyer, pioneered the idea of the ?everybody wins? philosophy?now commonly referred to as ?win-win??which insures that all parties benefit from the negotiation. Nierenberg has written twenty best-selling books that have been translated into thirty languages. He is also the founder of The Negotiation Institute, which offers state-of-the-art training to business and professional organisations, governments, and executives around the world. Henry H. Calero has been writing about communication and negotiation for over thirty years. A consultant and writer for professional, academic, and technical publications, he and Nierenberg are also co-authors of the bestselling How to Read a Person Like a Book.

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