Do you ask that my body, worshipped by my father's subjects and untouched by any man, now succumb to five men? Draupadi waved her hands wildly as she inched closer to Kunti, her shrill voice resounding off the walls, 'I would rather jump into the river and drown myself. At least I would die a princess, not a prostitute.'
Was Princess Draupadi in love even as her marriage to another man was being orchestrated? Did the great statesman Bhishma make a shameful admission as he lay dying on the battlefield of Kurukshetra? Did Queen Gandhari cause the death of her husband Dhritarashtra and sister-in-law Kunti? It's possible.
Was Princess Draupadi in love even as her marriage to another man was being orchestrated? Did the great statesman Bhishma make a shameful admission as he lay dying on the battlefield of Kurukshetra? Did Queen Gandhari cause the death of her husband Dhritarashtra and sister-in-law Kunti? It's possible.