THE DISBELIEF HABIT: How to Use Doubt to Make Peace with Your Inner Critic

Self Help

THE DISBELIEF HABIT: How to Use Doubt to Make Peace with Your Inner Critic

By: Yong Kang Chan


  • ISBN: 978-93-5520-859-0
  • Pages: 184 pages
  • Published: February 2025
  • Format: Paperback
  • Imprint: Rupa
  • Language: English
From an early age, many of us have this critical voice in our head which we call the inner critic.
The truth is we can?t control most of our thoughts. Our unhealthy, habitual ways of thinking are
the result of past conditioning, and they have become a part of our protective mechanism. It?s not easy to change this system overnight.
This book will help you to be more aware and sceptical of your self-loathing thoughts. In this book, you?ll learn:
? Why you shouldn?t take your thoughts too seriously
? Why your mind is so critical and hard on you
? What are the four common reactions to self-criticism and how to react to your critical thoughts
? What is and what isn?t disbelieving
? Five examples of how to separate the truth from fiction
? How to notice your unconscious reaction
? How to identify the message that your inner critic is conveying
? How to make doubting your new habit The Disbelief Habit provides you the steps to practice mindfulness and make peace with your mind. Just test it out and experience the change for yourself.
Yong Kang is the author of several books on self-compassion and mindfulness. His mission in life is to spread peace in the world. He does this by helping individuals be more in touch with their deeper spiritual dimension within. A dimension where peace, love, compassion, wisdom, creativity and stillness exist.
Unlike other psychological and spiritual books, his content is easy to understand. He uses simple, modern examples in life to explain complex concepts and ideas. You can learn the teachings in his books without any technical or scientific knowledge.

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