Meera, a virgin, believes that it is a chaste body that can fulfil all her desires of a lasting love.
For Maheen, her body is an offering that she will gladly bestow on the feet of her husband.
Meanwhile, Joe finds power in her naked body. She considers it a tool that she could wield to her advantage.
Kalika realizes that everything has a price—product, idea, emotions, ethics and even the body.
On one unfortunate night, these four women come face to face with a brutal reality, shaking their beliefs to the core, changing their worlds forever.
Aastha Rathod Naad explores women’s investment in their bodies, their conditioning to think of the body as the most precious asset in a provocative story that is a pleasure to read. Sensuous and impossible to put down, this is a masterful portrayal of desire and longing, innocence and the pull of the dark.