Rambling with Rukka, a co-authored book of memoirs written by a mother and daughter, traverses
roughly eight decades in the life of Rukmini Srinivas, from her childhood in pre-Independence
India in the 1930s to the present day.
Rukka’s father, an accountant with the Southern Command, moved around India and the family
experienced first-hand the diversity and variety in India’s regions and cultures. The book meanders
from Poona and stories about Rukka’s childhood, her mother’s cooking and kitchen garden, to
Rukka’s life in Delhi with her husband—the renowned social anthropologist M.N. Srinivas, her
experiences of juggling family and career, and the family’s fateful migration to Bangalore in the
1970s before it became known as a tech city. Engaging anecdotes, richly descriptive and by turns
poignant, surprising, hilarious, always honest and human, bring people and places alive and take
the reader on a delightful journey.