If you’re like most people, you probably shy away from discomfort. But the uber-successful— from elite athletes to billionaire founders and famous entrepreneurs—do the exact opposite. They know that discomfort can be high-octane fuel for performance or the most direct path to their goals. And they’ve learned how to turn rock bottom into one of life’s greatest gifts. You can, too. Entrepreneur Sterling Hawkins has spent his life coming back from the brink to sell companies, finish ultramarathons and realize goals through his #NoMatterWhat system for achieving larger-than-life results. Now it’s your turn.
This book will show you how to:
• Expand your reality
• Commit so deeply that there’s no going back
• Surround yourself with those who hold you to your potential and nothing less
• Use roadblocks to your advantage
• Flow, flex and pivot to the best possible outcome—no matter what the journey you are invited to embark upon will not be comfortable. But it will be extraordinary. Welcome to the hunt.