How to Talk to Anyone : 9 Crucial Skills to Have Better Conversations Anytime

Self Help Non-Fiction

How to Talk to Anyone : 9 Crucial Skills to Have Better Conversations Anytime

By: Chase Hill


  • ISBN: 978-93-5702-744-1
  • Pages: 152 pages
  • Published: February 2025
  • Format: Paperback
  • Imprint: Rupa
  • Language: English

Say goodbye to awkward silences and missed opportunities—discover how to start conversations easily, talk with confidence, and keep people interested in you

Talking is perhaps one of the most fundamental ways you connect with others. But you’ll often find that conversations are, unfortunately, tricky. Just saying ‘hi’ is never enough, and keeping others interested in you while trying to keep the conversation afloat can easily become nightmarish.

Sometimes, you end up ruining a conversation by overthinking a simple reply.

You probably also hate making small talk, only to be completely ignored (besides, how many times can you actually ask about the weather?)

And these are just the tip of the iceberg. Do you ever wonder what you could change just to be able to talk to anyone without hesitation? Thankfully, you don’t have to search far and wide—the answer to your problems is here.

Chase Hill is a Personal Growth, Stress Management, and Social Interaction Specialist, and the bestselling author of How to Stop Overthinking, a book which has hurtled to take Amazon’s #1 Bestseller spot in both the US and the UK.

With a professional background in life coaching and a passion for helping others to unleash their true potential, Chase’s writing is warm and refreshingly honest. His willingness to share personal stories from his own life, combined with his clear style and focused advice, makes it easy for readers to implement changes immediately.

How to Talk to Anyone is the result of a lifetime’s work on implementing positive thinking and healthy boundaries in his own life, combined with his dedication to helping others do the same.

Chase is a life coach and social interaction specialist, and has spent over a decade researching psychology, with a focus on mental attitude, emotional resilience, and assertiveness and boundary-setting in the modern world.

Chase is an advocate for living the life you want to live, and makes sure to carve out the time for his own passions within his work. When he’s not focusing on helping other people do the same, you might find him traveling the world, producing music, or hunting down his favorite records on vinyl.

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