

By: Francis Edward Younghusband


  • ISBN: 978-81-291-2439-5
  • Pages: 256 pages
  • Published: February 2025
  • Format: PB/Flexi
  • Imprint:
  • Language: English
The Heart of a Continent by Francis Edward Younghusband is an account of three journeys, each an adventure in itself, which he made into Central Asia from India. During the years of the Great Game?a political struggle between Britain and Russia?Younghusband set out on a series of explorations into the heart of Central Asia. From the mountains of Manchuria to the inhospitable tracts of Tibet and Turkestan, Younghusband charted courses, dined with Russian officers and encountered aggressive Hunza raiders. He gleaned insightful details on the lives of nomadic tribes and dispelled several geographical myths. A travelogue brimming with tales of pioneering expeditions, The Heart of a Continent unravels for us a Central Asia that now only lives on in ancient records.
Sir Francis Edward Younghusband (1863-1942) was a British army colonel, explorer and officer of the Indian Political Service. He is recognized for discovering a previously uncharted course from Kashgar to India. He was known to be deeply spiritual and wrote several works on New Age mystic philosophies, including the Gaia hypothesis and Pantheism.

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