Are you ready to rewire your mind—to be more energized, alert, and resilient each workday? You have access to the single most powerful technology ever known– your brain. And yet, as incredible as that organ inside your head is, it hasn’t been upgraded since the beginning of time. Your brain is designed to keep you safe (thank you!), but it’s up to you to expand your operating system to be happy and productive in the workplace and at home. Negativity is the default when you’re not intentional about how you use your brain. This translates to overwhelm, distraction, burnout, and other workplace stressors.
In Brain On!, Deb Smolensky serves as your coach to retrain your brain through mental fitness strategies that will help you navigate the ever-changing and uncertain world in which we work. As one of the leading authorities on human performance and workplace wellbeing, Smolensky knows that just as our muscles need a programme to get stronger, our brains need exercises to be more creative, innovative and healthy.
Whether you are a proactive individual wanting to stay energized, efficient and fulfilled, or an organizational leader looking to improve your team’s culture and environment, this is your guide for optimizing your brain, winning the workday, and creating mentally strong workplaces.