Tapan Chattopadhyay

Dr Tapan Chattopadhyay, PhD, DLitt, is the author of The Story of Lalbazar—Its Origin and Growth (Kolkata, 1982), Lepchas and Their Heritage (New Delhi, 1990), The INA’s Secret Service in Southeast Asia—Its Background, Infrastructure, Resources and Activities during World War II (Kolkata, 2011), Kolkata and Its Police—A History of City Police from Charnock’s to Present Day (Kolkata, 2013), The Horizon of Hope (San Bernadino, 2017), and Rivalry that Cost India Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Bose, and Congress Politics 1921–1941 (London, 2023).

He has also contributed articles on Indian prehistory and written poems, novels, and short stories in Bengali. After a brief stint in teaching and research, Dr Chattopadhyay joined the IPS in 1970 and had a peripatetic career in five organizations and seven states, undergoing training in England and the USA and visiting a number of Asian and European countries before he retired in the rank of Director General.

After superannuation, he was appointed Member of the West Bengal Public Service Commission. He is presently engaged in academic work.

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