Sonali Misra

Sonali Misra decided at a young age that if she was ever going to be stuck working at a desk, it would be for something she enjoyed. She mapped out her life accordingly (or at least she likes to think so), so that it would revolve around her passion for words and stories. She began writing at the age of eight and has now been published in British and Indian anthologies, and of course, the book you’re holding. Born and brought up in Delhi, Sonali attained her Bachelor’s in English from Lady Shri Ram College for Women, worked in book publishing for four years and then completed a Master’s degree in creative writing from The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. While in the UK, she also co-founded an international literary magazine that exclusively promotes underrepresented voices. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Publishing Studies from the University of Stirling, UK, and is simultaneously working on her first novel. Twitter @MisraSonali |

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