Ratan Sharda

Ratan Sharda has been an RSS member since his childhood and has worked at various levels of this organization. He also worked as an ABVP activist during 1975–77 in the days of Emergency and was a student leader, jailed while he was the general secretary of his college students’ union. He has worked closely with nearly all the major RSS-affiliated organizations during his days as a senior activist. Thus, he has a wide exposure to the working style of not only the RSS but its affiliated organizations too. He is a founder member of Vishwa Adhyayan Kendra (Centre for International Studies), Mumbai and was its general secretary for eight years. Born in Mumbai in 1955 to Punjabi parents, he has received a PhD for his research thesis ‘Understanding RSS through Its Resolutions— Focus on North East, Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab’. He graduated in arts from St Xavier’s College Mumbai and did his post-graduation from Mumbai University. He also holds a diploma in Textile Chemistry. A well-known face on TV panels and freelance columnist as commentator on national issues, Ratan Sharda has written many books on the RSS and has translated two major works about Shri Guruji, written by veteran RSS writer Shri Ranga Hari.

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