Randy Gage

Where others see only challenges, Randy Gage reveals how to discover the hidden opportunities.
His books have been described with terms like ‘punch to the gut’ and ‘a loving kick in the teeth’.
Randy will likely cause you to think and look at things in ways you never have before. He isn't
afraid to take on anyone or anything, from governments and organized religion to herd thinking
and conventional beliefs. He is arguably the most fascinating thought leader in the fields of mind
viruses, human behaviour and what motivates people to change their lives. Randy is the author of 14
books translated into 25 languages, including the New York Times Bestsellers, Risky Is the New Safe
and Mad Genius. He has spoken to more than two million people across more than 50 countries
and is a member of both the Speakers Hall of Fame and the Direct Selling Hall of Fame. When
he is not prowling the podium or locked in his lonely writer's garret, you'll likely find him playing
third base on a softball field somewhere.

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