Mohonlal Gangopadhyay

MOHONLAL GANGOPADHYAY (19 August 1909–14 January 1969) was an eminent writer of a number of very popular books, some of which are still widely read. His travel books, including Charanik, Lafa Yatra and Punardarshanaya Cho, are still in print, as are Dakshiner Baranda and Gaganendranath. He had also written stories for young people, notably Galpodadar Galpo; a few other stories were compiled into the volume Kishor Rachana Sangraha. He also produced a study of the jute industry, titled Asamapta Chatabda. In addition, he published Bengali translations of Grimm’s Fairy Tales and Erich Maria Remarque’s classic All Quiet on the Western Front. JAYANTA SENGUPTA worked in advertising for many years, before deciding to leave the corporate world and take up things that he couldn’t earlier. Being a voracious reader all his life, he started to dabble in writing. His first book, WrapAround: Delivering a Great Brand Experience (Rupa Publications, 2006), was about designing and delivering great brand experiences. In 2011, his translation of Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay’s Bengali classic Chander Pahar was published by Rupa as The Mountain of the Moon. This book is his second translation and his third book published under the Rupa banner. Charanik: The Walker is a travel classic by Mohonlal Gangopadhyay, which was first published in 1961.

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