A.K. Srikumar

A.K. Srikumar is a novelist, translator, poet and playwright. Srikumar also writes fiction for children. Most of his nine children’s books won first or second prizes in the Children’s Book Trust’s annual competition. Operation Polo (1997) was adjudged the ‘Best Children’s Book of the Year’. Some of Srikumar’s poetry has been published by the Times of India. His play ‘Bhishma’ was staged in Ahmedabad. The novels The Wonderful World of Nilayam Swamy (1981) and Conversations with a Motor-cycle (1984) were published by Writers’ Workshop, Kolkata. His historical novel The Begum’s Secret (2010) was long-listed for the Vodafone-Crossword Literary Prize. Srikumar’s English translation of T.V. Varkey’s Malayalam classic Manju Pokunna Thalamurakal (The Vanishing Generations) was published in September 2017.

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