by Abha Sharma

  • Category Spirituality
  • Format Paperback
  • Imprint Rupa
  • Price 395
  1. ISBN: 978-93-5702-823-3
  2. Pages: 160 pages
  3. Date: 5th November 2023


‘He that is here in the human person, and He that is there in the sun, are one.’
Taittiriya Upanishad. II.viii.5
‘Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe. Multiplicity is only apparent, in
truth, there is only one mind…’
Erwin Schrödinger
Can you spin a coin in the clockwise and anti-clockwise direction at the same time? Can you imagine
yourself being in many places at the same moment? Bizarre? Yet, such strange phenomena are
happening around us all the time. What if you were told that the past, present and future coexist?
Can you imagine that everything, even time, will end, and yet nothing will ever really die?
The vibrant contemporary developments in quantum science have unravelled many such strange
phenomena, shaking the very foundations of conventional understanding. What is little known is
that these incredible concepts find amazingly resonant parallels in Vedantic philosophy.

Vediquant brings forth a life-altering narrative that does away with the boundaries between Vedanta
and quantum science, with the understanding that their similarities point to the same truth. The
two are seen as co-travellers on a journey to solve the ultimate mysteries of existence. This unique
and in-depth exposition of the previously unexplored provides a glimpse of the profound knowledge
that can empower an individual like nothing else can.
The book simplifies complicated concepts of Vedanta and quantum science for easy understanding,
taking you on a mesmerizing journey towards the deepest secrets of your own existence through a
rare amalgam of science and spirituality.


Abha Sharma is an author of five books with Rupa Publications India, including the novel The Night
of Fear and motivational books in The Making of the Greatest series. As a qualified university-level
educator, she has worked extensively with international industry leaders in online education and
with prestigious higher education institutions. As a life-skills coach, she has followed her passion of
helping individuals think beyond the ordinary. The intriguing mysteries of existence have been the
driving force behind her study of various disciplines, including biology, literature, quantum physics
and spiritual philosophy. This book is a result of years of scientific learning and deep curiosity
along with personal experiences bordering on mysticism. Find her at