PARADISE LOST: A Poem Written in Twelve Books

by John Milton

  1. ISBN: 978-93-5520-471-4
  2. Pages: 344 pages
  3. Date: 5th August 2022


This epic narrative has made it through centuries of critique and influenced numerous thinkers. It still remains one of the most prominent works in literature all over the world. The fall of humankind devised by Satan to avenge himself has been brought to life through the artistic capabilities of Milton. Landing on Earth after God snatched the repute of an angel from him, Satan has an agenda to bring Sin and Death into the world of Eden. The fallen angel lures Eve into eating the forbidden fruit and this is where Milton begins his magnum opus from. Adam and Eve become the tragic pawns within the matters of ruling heaven and hell between God and Satan. The drama and the excitement written by a blind and bitter Milton within the background of the Restoration gives rise to the question of whether God’s ways are justified or not.


John Milton, born on 9 December 1608 in London, England, is an English poet, essayist and historian, considered widely as the most significant English author after William Shakespeare. He died on 8 November 1674. Milton is best known for Paradise Lost, considered as the greatest epic poem in English. Together with Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes, it sets Milton’s reputation in stone as one of the best English poets throughout history. The greatest poets that followed him such as Alexander Pope, Voltaire, William Blake and P.B. Shelley took inspiration from Paradise Lost, borrowing artistic style and imagery for their own major works.