Great Textpectations

by Ruchi Vadehra

  1. ISBN: 978-81-291-5183-4
  2. Pages: 190 pages
  3. Date: 1 May 2018


Amaya Kapoor is a Delhi-based intellectually inclined thirty-five-year-old single, financially independent and sexually liberated woman, who wants to open a ‘boutique bookstore’ and live life on her own terms—single and content. What happens next?

She comes across Rohan while playing Scrabble online, and they soon get chatting, enjoying each other’s company without the usual baggage face-to-face interactions bring. Using the premise ‘text is the new talk’, the book highlights fun text conversations between them, that are instrumental in connecting their worlds. Amaya and Rohan become an integral part of each other’s lives even before they realize it, and decide to meet. What happens to the virtual relationship when they meet in the real world?


Ruchi Vadehra belongs to a family of writers from both sides of parentage. Writing is thus homecoming to her. She began with conceptualizing and co-editing a neighbourhood community newsletter which inspired her to take forward her zest for words, people and travel through fiction.

Ruchi lives with her husband and two children in New Delhi. Great Textpectations is her first book.