It Was Always You,

by Divita Aggarwal

  1. ISBN: 978-81-291-3971-9
  2. Pages: 128 pages
  3. Date: February 2016


The best kind of love is that which you are unaware of…

The curtains rise at a book launch, where Aisha, a debutant author reads out her favourite excerpt from her first novella. The memories trapped in the pages of her book lead her back to her past; she begins narrating her own story —‘a book in a book’.

Aisha, a simple school girl, growing up in Bengaluru, encounters a boy in a blue sweater at the bus stop. The boy in question—Kabir—a politician’s son, has been judged as a mirror-image of his unscrupulous father. It takes Aisha to discover the real Kabir —a ‘good’ boy, far removed from the messy world of his parents.

Kabir and Aisha seem happy, until unexpected circumstances drive a wedge between them and wash away her joy. Will destiny ever bring them together? Will ‘the book in the book’ find a satisfactory conclusion? Find out in this multilayered love story.


Divita Aggarwal, born and brought up in New Delhi, is a seventeen-year old high school student. She is an avid reader and finds the tendrils of her interest in psychology books, the subject she is also studying as part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. She also aims to deeply study the economy of India.

Along with pursuing her love for writing Divita has taken forward her dream of giving back to the society by starting an NGO ‘Wings’ with three of her batchmates.