An Introduction to Politics

by Harold J. Laski

  1. ISBN: 978-81-291-5196-4
  2. Pages: 118 pages
  3. Date: 1 May 2018


Harold J. Laski’s An Introduction to Politics outlines the functions of the State institutions, while highlighting the problems between the State and society and politics in general.
Without entering into any technicalities, the author discusses various topics, including the necessity of a government; the relationship between State and society; rights of an individual and the power of the State; liberty and equality; the nature of nationalism and law as a source of authority.

This book was written with the purpose to make a layman reader understand what functions are prerequisite for a democracy to function and how an individual can help in the effective running of a democracy.


Harold Joseph Laski was born on 30 June 1893 in Manchester, England. He was a political scientist, educator and a prominent member of the Labour Party. For two decades, beginning in 1926, he taught political science at the London School of Economics and Political Science. A prolific writer on politics and the structure of State, he wrote many books and essays including, Authority in the Modern State (1919), The Foundations of Sovereignty, and Other Essays (1921), The State in Theory and Practice (1935), The Rise of European Liberalism: An Essay in Interpretation (1936) and The American Democracy: A Commentary and Interpretation (1948), among many others. He died on 24 March 1950 in London.